Patterson Pope Blog

Sit Back, Relax And Pull Up

A Cup Of Storage Blog Goodness

How to Make Your Mailroom More Efficient

While some may think that the mailroom has gone the way of the dinosaur thanks to text messaging and email, the fact remains that traditional “snail mail” is still the best, and only, way to send a.

January 8, 2020

Mail Center Furniture – because we still get mail

Every time I walk down to my mailbox and open it, I’m amazed that there’s always something in it. My bills are emailed to me, I look at websites instead of catalogs and most of the time when I order.

January 8, 2020

Benefits of Stainless Steel Surfaces in Hospitals

Hospitals and other health care facilities place cleanliness at the top of their priority lists. Those making decisions regarding storage and other surfaces often choose stainless steel surfaces for.

January 8, 2020

On Campus Storage so Bright, it Deserves an Honorary Degree.

There’s a joke that goes, “School is where you store kids until they are ready to become productive members of society.” Like all comedy, there’s a grain of truth in it, especially the storage part..

January 8, 2020

Smart Storage = Sustainable Storage

During the planning stages of a new building design, the team working the project has many concerns to balance. While basic programming needs must be met within a defined budget, hundreds of other.

January 8, 2020

Top Five Uses for Modular Casework on Campus

If you spend time on any college campus, you’ll see plenty of custom millwork. But, that may be changing. Enter Modular Casework. Modular casework has the custom flexibility of millwork (no 3”.

January 8, 2020

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid when Planning Storage and Modular Casework

After her high school graduation, my younger sister assumed the daunting task of purging grade school papers and debris that she had collected in her desk drawers through the years. During the.

January 8, 2020

Prescribe Modular Casework to Pharmacies that Require Flexibility

It’s a word we hear almost daily – “flexibility” – and most workplaces these days require it. No, not the flexibility to bend over and touch your toes, but the flexibility to change your work.

January 8, 2020

Recruiting Five-Star Students to Campus

I confess. I follow college football recruiting much more closely than I should. It’s not a good idea to tie my mood to the decisions of 17 or 18 year olds, but I can’t help it. You always want that.

January 8, 2020

Build Faster: How Modular Components Turn Time into Money

How many times have you heard the phrase “time is money?” Probably enough that you don’t really give much actual thought to it anymore. The relationship between time and money is as crucial in the.

January 8, 2020
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