Patterson Pope Blog

Sit Back, Relax And Pull Up

A Cup Of Storage Blog Goodness

Police Storage Made Easy

No matter how small a community is, crime still happens. Law enforcement in the area may be limited to only a few officers, but they still deal with a high volume of evidence. They’re typically doing.

March 2, 2020

Evidence Storage Lockers to Get You Through the Weekend

As a sales rep with over 15 years’ experience, I’ve learned how to ask a lot of questions; and with all the storage options it’s important not only to ask questions but to ask the right questions.

January 8, 2020

Twelve Trends in Evidence Storage

Like so many other industries, law enforcement is going through a number of changes, not the least of which is how evidence handling is done. What “evidence management” meant even five years ago is.

January 7, 2020

Lock it Up: Optimize Evidence Management with Spacesaver Evidence Lockers

Law enforcement works hard to lock up criminals — but to do so, they also need to lock up evidence. Lost or compromised evidence can derail investigations and end careers. Failure to secure a chain.

January 7, 2020