Personal Duty Lockers for Public Safety Personnel

By Stuffey | January 8, 2020

The world of public safety can be a fascinating one. If it wasn’t, shows like COPS wouldn’t be around for decades and CSI and Law & Order wouldn’t have a dozen spin offs. I’ll be quick to admit, it is pretty easy to get sucked into an episode, because you have to know who did it. As we all know, after a few plot twists, the bad guy usually gets caught. But what we don’t see on TV is all the seemingly mundane stuff that happens at the police station, when the officers aren’t out on the road. I wonder what it’s like for those officers and firefighters to spend half their lives at the station. I mean, where do they keep all their STUFF? The station must be their second home, so having a space to keep their belongings is something anyone in that position would appreciate.


Enter the Personal Duty Locker. This isn’t your basic school locker with a hook for your jacket. The Freestyle Locker can be designed specifically to meet the needs of each officer or firefighter. The accessories are wide-ranging from door mounted mirrors and belt hooks, to slots for file folders and drawers for toiletries. Need an outlet to charge a phone or tablet? Freestyle can be equipped with power inside the locker too. If the officer needs a place to take a seat, the integral bench option is a genius solution. Instead of the usual center aisle bench, Freestyle lockers have an integral bench feature that not only saves circulation space, but captures additional space for boot storage too. Ventilation is another consideration that makes a specialized locker a must for this type of application. After a long day on the job, you can imagine that an officer’s uniform and vest can get pretty…er…damp. Freestyle Personal Duty Lockers have the ability to be linked into the ventilation system, so moisture and odors are swept away before they become a problem.

Personal Duty Lockers

Despite the fact that I love to organize STUFF, I am not usually one to get excited about lockers. The freestyle personal duty lockers might just be the exception. It is a well-rounded solution to make Public Safety officials a little more comfortable at their home away from home. Police officers and firefighters face a pretty tough job each day – they deserve a lasting solution to keep their gear and belongings in order.

Now please excuse me while I get back to my CSI episode. In case you are wondering, I think I know who did it.

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About Stuffey

To say that Stuffey was made for this role would be an understatement. A life long hoarder, Stuffey understands how the Laws of Stuff can wreak havoc in the real world of an organization’s space. Now as part of his reformation, he is committed to passing on to you his secrets in our battle against the tyranny of STUFF.

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