Storage Planning: The Partnership Between Architects and Storage Pros

By Stuffey | January 8, 2020

Every building has a fundamental need for storage, whether it's a grade school, courthouse, office building, bank, or hospital. However, despite its necessity, storage planning is not a primary focus in architectural education.
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Thankfully, architects and designers have a way to bridge that gap. By strategically partnering with professional storage specialists, they can create efficient and innovative storage solutions, ultimately leading to better-designed facilities and better-satisfied clients. 

Balancing Creativity and Practicality

Architects and designers regularly balance their creative instincts with clients' practical demands. Naida Mirza, Principal and Vice President at ASD|SKY, a multidisciplinary design firm, emphasizes that they always base solutions on the specific needs of each project.


“[At ASD|SKY], we focus on contextual design. The solutions we provide are always born out of the project’s needs,” says Mirza. “We do a lot of different things, including corporate headquarters, banks and financial institutions, restaurants, retail and more. The creativity of a particular design usually depends on what region you’re in, the type of project, and, of course, the client’s personality.” 

She notes that while a West Coast tech firm may be open to more experimental design, a traditional institution like a legacy bank may prefer a more classic plan. Regardless of the project, Mirza emphasizes that a strong client relationship is crucial for successful collaboration and understanding.


The Role of Education in Storage Planning

Architect Jeremy Davis, Associate Partner at APG | Architects (formerly Brian Addis Architect LLC) in Ohio recalls that real-world applications, especially regarding storage, were rarely covered in his education. “Architecture school… is really more about theory than anything else,” Davis says. “It’s all very high-altitude, very ‘big picture’ stuff. Storage wasn’t something that was ever even mentioned.”

Experience, however, can be a great teacher. While architecture school focuses on theoretical concepts rather than practical storage solutions, Davis says that in his real-world projects (primarily in healthcare), storage becomes more important than even his clients initially realize. “As we get into a project, clients always want more and more storage. What they have is never enough.”


Davis notes that while storage is hugely important, it’s typically low on the priority list. “In my case, I’m focused on designing exam spaces, physician workspaces, and more operationally driven spaces. Storage is obviously hugely important to clients and an important component of operations, but it’s often secondary to other concerns.”

The lack of emphasis on storage in architectural education highlights the need to educate both architects and clients about the importance of storage planning. Architects must understand the practical aspects of storage to incorporate efficient solutions into their designs.

On the other hand, clients often need guidance to realize their storage needs and the potential solutions available. By including a specialist's expertise in storage planning education and client guidance, architects can better anticipate and address storage requirements, ensuring that the final design meets the functional needs of the space.

Practical Experience and Collaboration

Mirza and Davis agree that practical experience and collaboration with storage experts are keys to effective storage planning.

“My Patterson Pope rep, Gene Reilley, has been invaluable in teaching me about storage,” Mirza says. “He helps me find solutions that I wouldn’t have otherwise. Take a high-density shelving system, for instance. Gene helped me understand the importance of floor loading. Little tips and the education we can provide clients about storage matters are huge.”


Similarly, Davis says that having partners who are storage experts contributes to his success. “It’s important for us to be able to offer solutions, and that’s what my partners do,” he explains. “Instead of me adding a whole bunch of wire shelving, for instance, I can tap into their expertise about innovative designs and options. The right storage solution can maximize a space. It really shows the importance of collaboration amongst people with different specialties.”

The Importance of Storage Planning

While storage may rarely be a priority in the initial design stages, its significance undoubtedly rises to the surface as projects develop. Effective storage planning requires understanding client needs, educating them about storage options, and collaborating with specialists to find the best solutions. This approach ensures that storage spaces are both functional and adaptable to future needs.

Designing storage solutions involves marrying creativity with client demands, relying heavily on strong relationships and collaboration. By working closely with storage professionals, architects and designers can create efficient, innovative storage solutions that meet each project's unique needs. To see how our storage specialists can help with your project, contact a representative at Patterson Pope today.

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About Stuffey

To say that Stuffey was made for this role would be an understatement. A life long hoarder, Stuffey understands how the Laws of Stuff can wreak havoc in the real world of an organization’s space. Now as part of his reformation, he is committed to passing on to you his secrets in our battle against the tyranny of STUFF.

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