Police Department Evidence Room Storage Solutions

By Stuffey | January 3, 2020

Across the nation, evidence storage plays a critical role in protecting citizens’ rights and ensuring community safety. The pursuit of justice within our court systems relies significantly on the secure storage of various pieces of evidence. Whether items are large or small, their safekeeping is essential for law enforcement officers and evidence technicians. This article details the impact of innovative evidence storage solutions in a fast-growing South Carolina town.

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Case Study: Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

More than 95,000 people call Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, home. Located adjacent to historic Charleston, the town boasts its own charm with landmark museums, regional cuisine and attractions like Patriots Point, a naval and maritime museum home to the World War II aircraft carrier USS Yorktown. In 2019, Mount Pleasant was named the second-fastest growing city in the U.S., and its growth has continued.

Challenges and Solutions

Senior Sergeant Greg Horton oversees forensic services for the Mount Pleasant Police Department. He understands that steady growth often comes with increased crime, which means an increase in evidence under his purview.

“Before the department moved into our new facility in 2017, our evidence room measured fewer than 300 square feet,” said Horton. “We had definitely gone beyond capacity. The new space was a more than welcome chance to do more. Getting ready for that move meant figuring out what evidentiary items we could purge and determining how to best use the new space.”

Innovative Storage Solutions

Horton began researching storage solutions, ultimately leading him to Patterson Pope Sales Representative Kristin Ormand.

“This project was two years in the making, even before we did any installation,” said Ormand. “We were lucky enough to work with Sr. Sgt. Horton and the architects from nearly the outset, allowing us to have significant input into how the process developed.”

From the start, Patterson Pope's expertise in police evidence room storage was invaluable: “Patterson Pope was great,” said Horton. “Going into it, I had some ideas about what I wanted, but Kristin really helped educate me about what was possible. I didn’t know anything about mobile storage systems, for example, so you can imagine how pleased I was to discover that I’d be able to get more stuff in the same space just by using the right product.”

The new evidence storage area in the Mount Pleasant Police Department’s downtown facility offered more than twice the square footage of the previous facility. This flexibility allowed for adjustments that accommodated more items and met the standards for accreditation by the International Association for Property and Evidence (IAPE).

"We get about 1,800 new pieces of evidence over a year, with a growth rate of about five percent annually,” said Horton. “When we first moved into this building, we were told to plan on being here for at least 75 years. I’m confident that with the evidence storage solution we’ve devised, that’s completely achievable.”

Experience and Expertise

Ormand recognized the importance of knowledge-sharing to ensure the project’s success. While Patterson Pope is an expert in storage solutions, the clients are experts in their specific areas. Trusting this knowledge exchange yields impressive results.

“We used a combination of products,” said Ormand. “A Powered High-Density Mobile Storage System was the centerpiece. We also provided them with 15 feet of Pass-Thru Evidence Lockers. The interior shelving can be reconfigured to accommodate different-sized pieces should their needs change over time. We also installed Spacesaver Four-Post Shelving and a Weapons Rack.

“With all this extra room, I could delineate certain areas for certain kinds of items,” said Horton. “Homicide evidence in one area. Sexual assault kits in another area. That sort of thing.”

Per industry and IAPE standards, items like weapons and narcotics are kept in separate, locked rooms with their own alarm systems. These additional security measures provide protection and peace of mind. 

Commitment to Quality

“We always make recommendations to the client based on things in their environment and our experience with similar jobs. We know what works and why,” added Ormand. “While clients may sometimes prefer to ignore certain details, we emphasize the importance of addressing them. It’s always about doing what’s right for the client. We want to serve them well.”

“For us, Patterson Pope was a lifesaver,” said Horton. “Their attention to detail, patience and responsiveness have been really wonderful all the way through. What I most appreciate is that they’re providing an ongoing service, not just selling a product. They really invest in the relationship. That’s been fantastic to have.”

Advice for Others

What advice does Sr. Sgt. Horton have for other evidence technicians facing changes in their evidence storage facilities?

“Dream big, plan bigger, and trust Patterson Pope.”

To learn more about this project, check out the Case Study — or, to see how Patterson Pope can improve your specific police evidence room storage, contact a storage specialist today.

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About Stuffey

To say that Stuffey was made for this role would be an understatement. A life long hoarder, Stuffey understands how the Laws of Stuff can wreak havoc in the real world of an organization’s space. Now as part of his reformation, he is committed to passing on to you his secrets in our battle against the tyranny of STUFF.

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