Patterson Pope Blog

High-Density Storage Options Save Time and Encourage Healthy Outcomes

Written by Stuffey | Jan 7, 2020 10:03:03 PM

Did you know that, according to the American Hospital Association, there are more than 5,600 registered hospitals across the United States? What’s more, the Centers for Disease Control estimates that there are 51.4 million procedures performed every single year. That number will certainly boom along with the nation’s surging population. Suffice it to say, they are busy places.


Medical professionals are pulled in many different directions during the course of a shift. You work in dynamic environments, where time is always at a premium. In everything you do, organization and efficiency are central to not only achieving professional tasks but in some cases, affecting patients’ successful outcomes.

Whether it’s cleaning and storing sterile instruments in a Central Sterile Processing Department (CS) or being able to quickly access important back-up supplies in a dedicated storage room, medical professionals need the ability to get what you need quickly and easily.

Medical Storage Prescriptions Vary by Facility

At Patterson Pope, we’re able to use our resources and vendor partnerships to deliver a variety of products that ensure today’s hospitals and other medical facilities are always well-stocked and therefore well positioned to serve their patients. We’re able to offer a number of product options, no matter what the storage challenge.

Like the patients they serve, hospitals come in all shapes and sizes. In the blog “A Successful Operation in the Sterile Processing Department,” we introduced Patterson Pope’s partnership with Belintra, and illustrated how the company’s UFlex Modular Storage System helps eliminate the need for stacking supply packs one upon another. Stacking can not only lead to pinhole punctures in the packs (which compromise sterility), but can be messy and lead to compliance issues and violations from The Joint Commission. The UFlex system provides an ergonomic, efficient, hygienic system that delivers real, anxiety-free results.

In smaller storage areas – whether for sterile instruments or other medical supplies –traditional medical storage cabinets or high-density shelving are sometimes not the best option. Such was the case at Naples Community Hospital in Florida. In “Storage of Sterile Supplies Taken to New Heights,” we detailed how a newly constructed freestanding emergency department had a storage room that measured just 420 square feet. What the space did have, however, was headroom – and plenty of it. The Rotomat®, from Hanel, was the ideal solution.

The Rotomat uses a unique vertical carousel system to bring product to workers instead of the other way around. While the depth of these units is fixed, the width and height are customizable. It is strongly recommended for spaces with a ceiling height of at least nine feet. The unit’s smaller footprint and greater height make it a unique solution for unique spaces like the one profiled in Naples.

A Healthy Prognosis

Finding ways to solve our medical clients’ storage challenges drives us. After all, client needs dictate what the solution will be. Being innovative and designing to satisfy a need are rewarding experiences each and every time. Every solution is unique. For the medical community – as for others – we’re thrilled to say that through collaborative problem solving, the prognosis for continued storage cures is very, very good.